2002 April

2005 Summer & Autumn
2005 Spring
2004 Summer
2003-04 Dec-Jan
2003 Autumn
2003 Summer
2003 June
2003 Spring
2003 Winter
2002 December
2002 November
2002 Summer
2002 April
2002 March
2002 Feb



Eriko's Birthday (02/04/27)

In two part... first, a French restaurant...

Eriko birthday - restaurant 02.jpg (36877 bytes)nEriko birthday - restaurant 01.jpg (43211 bytes) Eriko birthday - restaurant 03.jpg (46561 bytes) Eriko birthday - restaurant 13.jpg (35033 bytes)

... and of course, for the second part, impossible to escape to the karaoke! Fortunately, as it was an "all you can drink karaoke", none of us was too shy after a couple of hours!

Eriko birthday - karaoke 04.jpg (45442 bytes) Eriko birthday - karaoke 05.jpg (29228 bytes) Eriko birthday - karaoke 11.jpg (33082 bytes)  Eriko birthday - karaoke 10b.jpg (39596 bytes) Eriko birthday - karaoke 10.jpg (31298 bytes)




Hassen's Farewell (02/04/20)

379 days! That's how long Hassen stayed in this country (not to mention the short and repetitive trips in Europe)! And here is the pictures of the last party... I don't know for the others, but I'm rather sad right now...

Hassen's farewell - 02.jpg (35813 bytes) Hassen's farewell - 06.jpg (39218 bytes) Hassen's farewell - 09.jpg (37274 bytes) Hassen's farewell - 10.jpg (42314 bytes) Hassen's farewell - 12.jpg (45234 bytes) Hassen's farewell - 13.jpg (40952 bytes) Hassen's farewell - 22.jpg (47368 bytes) Hassen's farewell - 24.jpg (46498 bytes) Hassen's farewell - 26.jpg (30738 bytes)

And one final picture from Hassen in Japan...

Hassen's farewell - 25.jpg (36519 bytes)




Warm-up Party @jp.jp (02/04/13)

After 1 year enjoying Nagoya, JP finally decided that Tokyo was, after all, a better choice! Here is the warm-up party at his house! And since Jérôme complained that there are too few pictures of him on this site, this chapter will feature his "melon" experience.

A quick background. It is well known that a melon touched by Jeff acquired some special properties, including the will to stay longer in Japan, easier access to Japanese girl (for men, at least) and a general happiness (Bode, J. et al. Nature, submitted)...

First, irradiation of the melon by Jeffrey.

JP warm-up - JB melons.jpg (25540 bytes)

Then, tasting by Jérôme...

JP warm-up - JP JR melon.jpg (31135 bytes) JP warm-up - JR melon.jpg (56931 bytes)

And immediately, the first effects are observed, as mentioned in the previously cited paper... an email...

JP warm-up - JR YY ketai.jpg (25636 bytes)

... and even a call for a meeting!

JP warm-up - JR phone.jpg (33310 bytes)


Apart of this mystic experience, we also enjoyed some good food, and good wines - as usually!

 JP warm-up - JB wine.jpg (34590 bytes) JP warm-up - HR JB1.jpg (26359 bytes) JP warm-up - pates.jpg (39673 bytes)


By the way, apart from his carpet, do you know what JP is smoking?

JP warm-up - cigarettes.jpg (42850 bytes)





Alessandra and Vincenzo's Farewell Party (02/04/06)

Some pictures of Alessandra and Vincenzo's Farewell Party... I'm sure they will miss Japan, finally! 

Farewell Vincenzo - 1.jpg (31153 bytes) Farewell Vincenzo - 2.jpg (44783 bytes) Farewell Vincenzo - 3.jpg (35545 bytes)

Farewell Vincenzo - 7.jpg (48902 bytes)

And a special feature : short movie of Alessandra singing, and Vincenzo playing the guitar (large file): Vincenzo - film1.mpeg